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BOCC Minutes September 21, 2021

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONTEZUMA COUNTY, COLORADO September 21, 2021                                                                                                                                    STATE OF COLORADO           )                                                      ) ss. COUNTY OF MONTEZUMA   )       At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Montezuma County, Colorado, held on Tuesday September 21, 2021 at the Montezuma County Administration building in Cortez, […]

Declaration 9/21/2021: Drought Disaster

ORDER DECLARING A DISASTER IN AND FOR MONTEZUMA COUNTY. COLORADO WHEREAS, the Colorado Disaster Emergency Act, Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.) S 24-33.5-701, et seq., provides procedures for statewide and local prevention of, preparation for, response to, and recovery from disasters; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to C.R.S. 5 24-33.5-703(3), a “disaster” is defined to mean “the occurrence […]

YouTube: Montezuma County BOCC September 21, 2021

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AGENDA DATE:                    September 21, 2021 REGULAR MEETING 9:00 A.M.            Minutes                                 Planning 1.      ThePlanning Department will present for signatures of a Variance submitted byBruce Lightenburger; agent: Keenen Lovett, on Lot # 8 of the Dolores RiverRanches Subdivision, located at 18916 Hwy 145, Dolores, CO, consisting of 36.65acres, more or less, located south of Hwy 145, […]