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Jobs: Montezuma County Public Health Department Prevention Specialist/Administrative Assistant

Montezuma County Public Health Department is accepting applications for a Prevention Specialist/Administrative Assistant.

This position will be 40 hours/week with full time benefits. Duties will include leading a new prevention program, planning, organizing, team building and implementing prevention strategies in the community. This position includes front office coverage assisting the public by phone and walk in, collecting fees and performing other clerical work as needed. Skills needed include good computer skills, coalition building, some public speaking, and a willingness to travel for trainings when needed. Must be willing to complete a child passenger safety seat training and become certified. High school diploma or GED required. Salary $19.50/hour $40,560 annually.

Applications are available at Montezuma County Public Health Department located at 106 West North Street, Cortez, CO or or on the Montezuma County website at Please submit cover letter, resume and application to Montezuma County Public Health Department. Applications accepted until position is filled with qualified candidate.