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Resolution No.11-2021: A Resolution Authorizing The Main Street Project in Montezuma County

Resolution Resolution # 11-2021 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THEMAIN STREET PROJECT IN MONTEZUMA COUNTY WHEREAS, the grant program through the Colorado Main Street program is the Main Street Open for Business (MSOB) Facade lmprovements and Energy Efficiency Program for non-chain commercial buildingowners in the Main Street District of the City of Cortez; and WHEREAS, the County […]

YouTube: Montezuma County BOCC August 17, 2021

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AGENDA DATE: November 21, 2023           REGULAR MEETING 9:00 A.M.            Minutes                               Planning 9:00am    Notice is hereby given that the Montezuma County Board of CountyCommissioners will hold a Public Hearing for review and determination for aproposed Planned Unit Development Amendment request submitted by River ValleyCabins, LLC, Agent Justin Collier, on property located at 18667 Hwy 145,Dolores, […]

BOCC Minutes August 3, 2021

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONTEZUMA COUNTY, COLORADO August 3, 2021                                                                                                                                     STATE OF COLORADO           )                                                      ) ss. COUNTY OF MONTEZUMA   )       At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Montezuma County, Colorado, held on Tuesday August 3, 2021 at the Montezuma County Administration building in […]

Resolution No.10-2021: Suspension of the ban on open fires and use of fireworks

Resolution Resolution # 10-2021 SUSPENSION OF THE BAN ON OPEN FIRES AND USE OF FIREWORKS WHEREAS, Montezuma county Ordinance No. 2-2015 prohibits open fires and the use of fireworks in the unincorporated areas of Montezuma County, except the Montezuma County board of Commissioners, based upon competent evidence may by resolution suspend said ban from time […]

YouTube: Montezuma County BOCC August 10, 2021

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AGENDA DATE:                    August10, 2021   REGULAR MEETING 9:00A.M.            Minutes   9:00A.M.            CBOE – Walmart                                   Planning 9:00 A.M.  Notice is hereby given that the Montezuma County Board of CountyCommissioners will hold a Public Hearing for review and determination a proposedSubdivision Amendment Application to the Empire Electric North BroadwaySubdivision, submitted by Bedroc, LLC; […]

BOCC Minutes July 27, 2021

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONTEZUMA COUNTY, COLORADO July 27, 2021                                                                                                                                     STATE OF COLORADO           )                                                      ) ss. COUNTY OF MONTEZUMA   )       At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Montezuma County, Colorado, held on Tuesday July 27, 2021 at the Montezuma County Administration building in […]

YouTube: Montezuma County BOCC August 3, 2021

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AGENDA DATE:                   August3, 2021   REGULAR MEETING 9:00 A.M.            Minutes                               Planning ThePlanning Department will present for signatures of a Mylar for a General Planned Unit Development, Phase I, submitted by Paul and Dana Weyand,Agent: Jason Carruth, on property located at 11187 Hwy 145, Cortez, CO,consisting of 99.39 acres, more or less, located south […]