Forest Service News Release: San Miguel County Sheriff’s Office and the GMUG Issue Public Safety Alert
San Miguel County Sheriff’s Office and the GMUG Issue Public Safety Alert Dangerous Wire Hazards on Local Trails Norwood, Colorado, July 12, 2024—The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison (GMUG) National Forests and the San Miguel Sheriff’s Office are issuing a critical safety alert to all residents and visitors following recent reports of dangerous wires […]
PUBLIC SAFETY AWARENESSCURRENT FRAUD AND SCAM ALERT During the past week, citizens in Montezuma County have been contacted by phone, email and text messages by person(s) impersonating deputies with the Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office, advising that citizen that a warrant has been issued for their arrest for not appearing in either a Federal or […]
2023 Water Run Off – Sign Up for Evacuation Assistance
If there were an emergency in your neighborhood that required you to evacuate, would you need help? Do you know someone such as a neighbor, parent, or friend who would need some assistance? The Montezuma County Office of Emergency Management is putting together a list of those in our county who might need some assistance […]
Emergencies such as Wildfires, Flooding and other natural disasters can occur at any time, day or night. The Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office is in need of your assistance to better protect lives, and ask that you take time to plan and prepare for an event that would require evacuation from your home safely if theneed […]
Water Overflowing the Highways
43-5-303. Overflowing highways – penalty. No person or corporation shall repeatedly, willfully, or negligently cause or allow water to flow, fall, or sprinkle from any ditch, lateral, canal, waste ditch, reservoir, pond, drain, flume, or agricultural crop sprinkler system upon any public road or highway so as to damage the same or to cause a […]
Water-Related Easements
37-86-102. Right-of-way through other lands Any person owning a water right or conditional water right shall be entitled to a right-of-way through the lands which lie between the point of diversion and point of use or proposed use for the purpose of transporting water for beneficial use in accordance with said water right or conditional […]
Most Commonly Violated Water Statutes
37-84-101. Maintenance of embankments and tail ditch The owners of any ditch for irrigation or other purposes shall carefully maintain theembankments thereof so that the waters of such ditch may not flood or damage thepremises of others, and shall make a tail ditch so as to return the water in such ditch with as little […]
Fence Law
35-46-101. Definitions As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) “Lawful fence” is a well-constructed three barbed wire fence with substantial posts set at a distance of approximately twenty feet apart, and sufficient to turn ordinary horses and cattle, with all gates equally as good as the fence, or any other fence […]