Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office Press Release – Missing Person Ian O’Brien

 Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office Press Release – Missing Person Ian O’Brien On 09-02-23 at 1:40 pm, the Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office was notified that a human body had been discovered by two persons fishing in the remote area of the West Mancos River in the Echo Basin area of the San Juan National Forest.   […]


Fire Ban is no Longer in Effect Fire ban lifted

Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 18-2023 SUSPENSION OF BAN ON OPEN FIRES AND USE OF FIREWORKS WHEREAS, Montezuma County Ordinance No. 2-2015 prohibits open fires and the useof fireworks in unincorporated areas of Montezuma County, except the Montezuma County Boardof County Commissioners, based upon competent evidence may by resolution suspend said banfrom time to time to the […]

BLM Tres Rios Field Office lift Stage I Fire Restrictions

Montezuma County Logo

Stage I Fire Restrictions News Release Southwest District Office, ColoradoFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 30, 2023Contact: Deana Harms, 970-240-5335 BLM Tres Rios Field Office lift Stage I Fire Restrictions Dolores, Colo. – Current Stage I Fire Restrictions Order COS01-23-02 will be rescinded on public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in the Tres […]

Sheriff Notice: Arrest of Homicide Suspect-Press Release

On 07-28-23 at 1130 hours, Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office was called to a residence located at 18661 Highway 145, north of Dolores, Colorado for a welfare check on the person renting the property. An adult male, later identified as Lewis Wall, age 66, was found deceased inside the residence. Initial investigation determined that the death […]


Montezuma County Logo

Resolution Resolution # 16-2023 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING MEMBERS OF MONTEZUMA COUNTY’S COMMITTEE FOR THE DISPOSITION OF FORFEITED PROPERTY WHEREAS, the Montezuma County Sheriff s Department may, from time to time, obtain seized and forfeited goods through arrests and prosecutions; and WHEREAS, Section 16-13-702(1), C.R.S., provides that no forfeited property shall be used nor shall any forfeited […]

Sheriff Notice: Attempted Murder shooting investigation

On 07-29-23 at 0240 hours, MCSO was dispatched to the Southwest Memorial Hospital in Cortez, Colorado for a victim who had been shot while at his residence in the 24000 block of County Road L, Cortez, Colorado. The victim suffered a single bullet wound, and was treated and later released. The suspect was identified as […]

Sheriff Notice: Homicide Investigation

On 07-28-23 at 1130 hours, MCSO was called to a residence approximately two miles north of Dolores for a welfare check on the person renting the property.  An adult male was found deceased inside the residence. Initial investigation determined that the death was a homicide that had occurred sometime on 07-27-23.  The Montezuma County Sheriffs […]

Alert: Bat tests positive for Rabies in Montezuma County

Bat tests positive for Rabies in Montezuma County

Bat tests positive for Rabies in Montezuma County   A bat found in Montezuma County area last week tested positive for rabies. Rabies is regularly found in Colorado wildlife, especially skunks and bats. Interaction between humans and wild animals, particularly bats, skunks, foxes, and raccoons, increases the risk of rabies exposure to pets and people. […]