Download GIS Data

Montezuma County currently distributes much of our GIS data free to the public in shapefile format. Data we have available through our office includes parcel ownership, zoning, roads, contours, special districts, public land boundaries, wildfire hazards, soils, lakes, and streams.

Please Note:
The County GIS mapping data are a product of the Montezuma County Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Department and are intended for the display of relative positions and locations only. Users of this information hereby recognize, acknowledge, and agree that it is not a guaranteed accurate, legal, or surveyed representation of land.
  • The data are not a substitute for, and should not be compared with, a survey performed by a Colorado licensed surveyor. Users assume all risk and responsibility for any and all direct and indirect damages, including consequential damages, that may flow from the use of this information. Users further recognize, acknowledge and agree that the Montezuma County GIS Department has not made any representations, warranties, or guarantees of any kind that this information is survey accurate or fit to be used or relied upon for any particular purpose.
  • By downloading these files, users acknowledge and will abide by the above disclaimer.


The GIS Office periodically makes new data available online. Please contact the GIS Office directly if you feel more current data may be available or to request a dataset not shown below.

Open Data Site


(These files are updated Nightly, the file date stamp within the ZIP archive should reflect that)

Parcels Geodatabase
This is an ESRI personal geodatabase of the private parcels in the county. Ownership data is included in the attributes. Attribute field names are not concatenated in this version.

Projection: StatePlane, NAD83, Zone Colorado South, Units Feet

Parcel Shapefile

  • This is a shapefile of the private parcels in the county.  Ownership data is included in the shapefile attributes
  • Projection:  StatePlane, NAD83, Zone Colorado South, Units Feet


  • KMZ is a Google Earth format for viewing County Parcels in the Google Earth Software.
  • This is a shapefile of the private parcels in the county. Ownership data is included in the shapefile attributes.
    Projection: StatePlane, NAD83, Zone Colorado South, Units Feet

Additional Data

Ownership Table

  • This is a Microsoft Access file of the Assessors Ownership table. No Spatial data is in this file.


  • This is a shapefile of Road centerlines within Montezuma County. It includes both public, private, federal, and state roads. Not every road shown is open to the public or owned and maintained by Montezuma County. Address Ranges are included.
  • Projection: StatePlane, NAD83, Zone Colorado South, Units Feet

Address Points Shapefile

Addresses Points .KMZ

These are the current address points located at or near the front door of each structure. This data is constantly changing and being field checked. If you feel any part of this data is incorrect please contact the GIS Department.


Doug Roth, GIS Manager
3rd Floor (East Building Entrance)
109 West Main Street, Room 350
Cortez, CO 81321
FAX: (970) 565-3420
Office Hours: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Thursday

GIS Manager

Doug Roth,

GIS Specialist

Nolan Notah,