Landfill Tipping Fees

Table of Contents

The following lists the tipping fees of the Montezuma County Landfill – current, proposed and historical. Please click on the effective date of interest to get past and current tipping fees for the landfill. As always, if you have questions, please call the landfill office and talk to one of the administrative staff.

Landfill Charges

Uncovered and/or unsecured loads will be charged double.

$25 per half hour tardy fee assessed for loads not unloaded by 4:15pm

  • MSW Charge [ton]
  • Construction / Demolition [ton]
  • Yard Waste Disposal [ton]
  • Soils (per cubic yard)
  • Minimum Charge (up to 460 lbs.)

Special Wastes Fees

Tire Fees


By law, waste electronics and computers from residential and non-residential sources cannot be disposed of in solid waste landfills in Colorado. The following rate structure applies for recycling electronics.


Analytical results are available for all of our compost at the main office.

NOTE: The State of Colorado does not recommend biosolids compost for use on vegetable gardens.