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Noxious Weed Program

MISSION STATEMENTThe mission of the Montezuma County Noxious Weed Program is to implement a coordinated undesirable plant program utilizing integrated management methods to ensure that all lands within Montezuma County are effectively managed to meet the intent of the Colorado Noxious Weed Act. Management methods include, but are not limited to: education, prevention, good land stewardship, biological, chemical, cultural, and mechanical.

Noxious Weed Program's goal

The weed program’s goal is to provide noxious weed management utilizing the following practices:

  • Assist landowners with noxious weed problems through plant identification, weed management recommendations, and development of vegetation management plans.
  • Promote noxious weed education and awareness by way of community presentations, site visits, literature distribution, newspaper articles, and maintenance of on-line information sources on the County Website.
  • Manage noxious weeds on county property and roadside rights-of-way.
  • Coordinate efforts with landowners, land management agencies, and neighboring counties.
  • Identify and contain, reduce or eradicate current weed infestations and reduce or eliminate weed seed production in certain species.
  • Monitor for new infestations and new invasive species so as to prevent new encroachments on unincorporated lands in the County.


As a landowner, you take pride in your property and have an obligation to both yourself and your neighbors to manage noxious weeds on your land. Noxious weeds crowd out native species and take over native ecosystems, which causes unsightly weed infestations and degrades the value of your property.

If an infestation is caught in the early stages, it can be relatively inexpensive to control and possible to eradicate entirely. If left untreated a small infestation can spread and displace native plants; leaving a land that is degraded, has a lowered property value, and is very costly to treat.  Often, it takes several years of repetitious treatment to manage a weed infestation.

Need help identifying a weed?

Try this Weed Identification Tool from the Colorado Weed Management Association.


List A Species:

Designated for eradication. Click here to download the list

Montezuma County Noxious Weed List


List A Species


(species that are in BOLD are species known to be in Montezuma County)

  • Black henbane
  • Common tansy
  • Cypress spurge
  • Cutleaf teasel
  • Diffuse knapweed
  • Giant reed
  • Hairy willow-herb
  • Hybrid knapweed
  • Hybrid toadflax
  • Knotweeds
  • Leafy spurge
  • Mediterranean sage
  • Myrtle spurge
  • Orange hawkweed
  • Purple loosestrife
  • Spotted knapweed
  • Yellow toadflax



Noxious Weed List A Species Management Requirements

  1. All populations of List A species in Colorado are designated by the Commissioner for eradication.
  2. Prescribed management techniques must be applied to every population of List A noxious weeds present in Colorado to achieve the following objectives:
    1. The plants of every population of List A species must be eliminated prior to seed development.
    2. Once all mature plants are eliminated, appropriate efforts must be made to detect and eliminate new plants arising from seed, reproductive propagule, or root stock for the duration of the seed longevity for the particular species.
    3. In order to ensure that seeds or other reproductive propagules are not produced or spread, any plant with flowers, seeds, or other reproductive propagules must be disposed of by;
      1. Removal of plant materials to a solid waste landfill which covers refuse daily with six inches of soil or alternative material; or
      2. Any other method approved by the Montezuma County Noxious Weed Program.

List B Species:

Designated for control and suppression on all lands within Colorado.

(species that are in BOLD are species known to be in Montezuma County).

  • Absinth wormwood
  • Bouncingbet
  • Bull thistle
  • Canada thistle
  • Chinese clematis
  • Common teasel
  • Corn chamomile
  • Dalmatian toadflax
  • Dame’s rocket
  • Eurasian watermilfoil
  • Halogeton
  • Hoary Cress
  • Houndstongue
  • Jointed goatgrass
  • Mayweed chamomile
  • Moth mullein
  • Musk thistle
  • Oxeye daisy
  • Perennial Pepperweed
  • Plumeless thistle
  • Russian knapweed
  • Russian-olive
  • Salt cedar
  • Scentless chamomile
  • Scotch thistle
  • Sulfur cinquefoil
  • Wild caraway
  • Yellow nutsedge


Noxious Weed List B Species Management Requirements

  1. List B noxious weed species must be managed to control and contain the population.
    1. Reduce or eliminate ability of the plant to produce seed or develop other reproductive propagules.
    2. In order to ensure that seeds or other reproductive propagules are not produced or spread, any plant with flowers, seeds, or other reproductive propagules must be placed in sealed plastic bags and disposed of by:
      1. Removal of plant materials to a solid waste landfill which covers refuse daily with six inches of soil or alternative material; or
      2. Any other method approved by the Montezuma County Noxious Weed Program.

List C Species:

Recommended for control and suppression on all lands within Colorado.

(species that are in BOLD are species known to be in Montezuma County).

  • Bulbous bluegrass
  • Chicory
  • Common burdock
  • Common mullein
  • Common St.Johnswort
  • Downy brome
  • Field bindweed
  • Johnsongrass
  • Kochia
  • Perennial sowthistle
  • Poison hemlock
  • Puncturevine
  • Quackgrass
  • Redstem filaree
  • Russian thistle
  • Velvetleaf
  • Wild-proso millet


  1. Noxious Weed List C Species Management Goals
    1. List C noxious weed species are recommended for control and suppression.


Noxious Weeds map locations

Report weed infestations

If you see noxious weeds on any Montezuma County road and can correctly identify the species, fill out the form below

Contact Montezuma County Weed Manager