Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Attendees: Director of Public Health- Bobbi Lock; Assistant Director-Laurel Schafer; County Administrator- Travis Anderson; County Attorney Stephen Tarnoski; Medical Officer Dr. Amanda Mullen; Katy Maxwell, Public Health Planner.
Board of Health (BOH): Kent Lindsay and Jim Candelaria.
Bobbi Lock called to order the regular meeting of the Montezuma County Public Health Board of Health Meeting at 1:33 on 114/2025 at Montezuma County BOCC Room.
See attached quick view. Katy shared that we received 800 completed surveys that closely represent our county demographics. MCPHD will continue comparing the data to regional and state data. Katy explained the next steps of coming up with the 5-year focus for our community.
Montezuma County has had 104 positive COVID’s and 15 animal bites so far this quarter. STI’s are still on the rise and MCPHD is partnering with the state and the Street Medicine program to make testing and treatment available to a population seeing an increase in STI’s. MCPHD continues to provide fentanyl test strips and Narcan to partners and community members free of charge. There were no West Nile cases in Montezuma County for 2024. HPAI is still a concern nationally, but so far, no active cases in Colorado. Norovirus is on the rise, yet Montezuma County has no reported cases as of 1/14/25.
Updated the BOH and Medical officer that we would like to shift the Ambulance licensing to match the new State timelines. Our local partners are also in agreement. As of this year, we will shift to this model and we will only inspect and license every two years. The next cycle will be due by 7/1/2026. All agree that we will make this shift.
Medical officer Dr. Amanda Mullen will be moving on and leaving the area in the spring of 2025. She will maintain her Colorado license and will continue to support MCPHD until we find her replacement. Dr. Mullen is reaching out to several local physicians to gauge interest and assist in finding a suitable replacement for her.
Bobbi Lock adjourned the meeting at 2:23
Minutes submitted by: Laurel Schafer
Minutes approved by: Bobbi Lock