Communities That Care

Communities That Care (CTC) is an evidence-based prevention model that gives communities the tools to make positive change within their community. CTC has been proven to reduce youth substance use, delinquency, and violence while saving communities money in the long run.

Our Mission
Create positive change within Montezuma County. 

Our Vision
Montezuma County values and empowers its youth and community to create a strong, diverse community.

Communities that Care Group Photo
Left to Right: Trisha Halencak, Delilah Darland, Emily Spahn, Shaylan Garrett, AsiaLynn Widen, Callé Decker, Emily Huminski, Katy Maxwell, Angela Adams, Dante Downey, Juan Soto, Alex Sudduth, Brenda Knapp

Top Accomplishments

Get Involved

Community engagement is a critical element of CTC.  We encourage all members of Montezuma County to join the CTC Community Coalition, the Key Leader Board, or one of our Workgroups.

CTC Workgroups:
Funding: Finds funding for strategy implementation.

COY (Community Outreach and Youth): Identifies meaningful opportunities for youth and promotes CTC.
BMW (Board Maintenance Workgroup): Builds and sustains a healthy and effective community coalition.

CRAWDATS (Community Resource Assessment Workgroup & Data): Reviews and monitors local data and identifies community assets and gaps.


CTC Action Teams:
Build Public Support for Safe Community Spaces for Youth
Build Public Support for a Community Systems Change

Early initiation to substance use

Contact the Montezuma County CTC Community Mobilizer for more information:

Trisha Halencak
Communities That Care Program Manager
Phone: 970-564-4781

Join Communities That Care (CTC)
Contact Communities That Care (CTC)