Resolution No. 8-2022 Montezuma County Fire Ban Suspension
RESOLUTION NO. 8 SUSPENSION OF BAN ON OPEN FIRES AND USE OF FIREWORKS WHEREAS, Montezuma County Ordinance No. 2-2015 prohibits open fires and the use of fireworks in unincorporated areas of Montezuma County, except the Montezuma County Board of County Commissioners, based upon competent evidence may by resolution suspend said ban from time to time […]
Ordinance No. 2-2015 Amended Fire Ban
ORDINANCE NO. 2-2015AMENDED FIRE BAN PURSUANT TOC.R.S.§30-15-40l(l)(n.5) AND (n.7) WHEREAS, the Montezuma County Board of Commissioners previously adopted Ordinance Nos. 1-2008 and 2-2014 regarding a fire ban, and found based upon competent evidence that the danger of forest and grass fires is high throughout the unincorporated areas of Montezuma County; and WHEREAS, the Montezuma County […]