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Montezuma County Sheriffs: 2024 Budget

 Montezuma County Sheriff’s 2024 Budget 2023 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT FROM 2023 2024 BUDGET 001 1700 1120 PERMANET SALARIES $1,085,750.00 $84,295.00 $1,330,654.00 001 1700 1130 PART TIME SALARIES $26,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 001 1700 1152 OVERTIME $25,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 001 1700 1155 SCENE/EVENT SECURITY $0.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 001 1700 1160 FRINGE BENEFITS $373,000.00 $163,901.53 $433,093.00 001 1700 1220 […]

Montezuma County Sheriffs: LEA 2024 Budget

Montezuma County LEA 2024 Budget 2023 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT  FROM 2023 2024 BUDGET 001 4000 1120 PERMANET SALARIES $284,500.00 $468,163.00 $695,500.00 12 deputies from Sheriff Budget 001 4000 1150 POST DEPUTIES SALARIES $558,400.00 -$558,400.00 $0.00 Deleted and moved to permanent 001 4000 1152 OVERTIME $15,000.00 $5,000.00 $15,000.00 001 4000 1160 FRINGE BENEFITS $281,600.00 -$36,161.00 $216,077.00 001 […]

Montezuma County Sheriffs: Gaming Impact Grant 2024 Budget

This Budget is funded by DOLA annually by grant process. Grant unexpended funds will carry over from year to year, to add to the budget of the following year.  23-036 Project Grant Award for 2023-2024 is $141,903.36, received 11-03-23. Montezuma County Sheriff / Gaming Impact Grant 2024 Budget 2023 BUDGET with 2022 carry over 2023 […]