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Public Health Department Minutes July 2, 2024


Meeting Minutes Tuesday, July 2, 2024 Attendees: Director of Public Health- Bobbi Lock; Assistant Director-Laurel Schafer; Prevention Specialist – Brenda Knapp. County Administrator- Travis Anderson; County Attorney Ian MacLaren Board of Health (BOH):  Jim Candelaria, Kent Lindsay and Gerald Koppenhafer. I. Call to order and introductions: (1:30) Bobbi Lock called to order the regular meeting […]

YouTube: Montezuma County Board of Health Meeting July 2, 2024

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Board of Health Meeting Agenda July 2, 2024 1:30-3:00 pm Montezuma County Commissioner Board Room     ·      Welcome, introductions, approval of April minutes ·      Communicable Disease update ·      Transition of CTC (Communities that Care) to Healthy Montezuma- Brenda Knapp ·      Celtic Fair food pantry donation ·      OPHP mini conference ·      Dr. Asha Atwell with Sih Hasin (Street Medicine) will join […]

Public Health Department Minutes April 2, 2024


Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 2nd 2024 Attendees: Director of Public Health- Bobbi Lock; Assistant Director-Laurel Schafer; County Administrator- Travis Anderson; County Attorney Ian MacLaren, Dr. Amanda Mullen and Haley Leonard Saunders of Axis Health Systems. Board of Health (BOH):  Jim Candelaria, Kent Lindsay and Gerald Koppenhafer. Call to order and introductions: (1:30) Bobbi Lock called […]

YouTube: Montezuma County Board of Health Meeting April 2, 2024

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Board of Health Meeting Agenda April 2, 2024 1:30-3:00 pm Montezuma County Commissioner Board Room · Welcome, introductions, approval of January minutes · Communicable Disease update · MCPHD update · CIP · Suggestions for the next BOH meeting Thank you all for attending and we look forward to our next BOH meeting on July2, 2024 […]

Public Health Department Minutes January 2, 2024


Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 2, 2024 Attendees: Director of Public Health- Bobbi Lock; Assistant Director-Laurel Schafer; County Administrator- Travis Anderson; County Attorney Ian MacLaren; Medical Director- Dr. Amanda Mullen; Environmental Health Specialist- Linda Hill. Board of Health (BOH):  Jim Candelaria, Kent Lindsay and Gerald Koppenhafer. I. Call to order and introductions: (1:30) Bobbi Lock called […]

YouTube: Montezuma County Board of Health Meeting January 2, 2024

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Board of Health Meeting Agenda January 2, 2024 1:30-3:00 pm   ·       Welcome, introductions, approval of October minutes ·       MCPHD update ·       Secure Transportation ·       CIP update ·       WIC update ·       Retail Food Notification of Violation- Linda Hill ·       Suggestions for the next BOH meeting   Thank you all for attending and we look forward […]

YouTube: Montezuma County Board of Health Meeting October 3, 2023

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Board of Health Meeting Agenda 10/3/2023 1:30-2:00 pm Montezuma County Commissioner Board Room Welcome, introductions, approval of July minutes Introduction of new staff Communicable disease update Suggestions for the next BOH meeting   Thank you all for attending and we look forward to our next BOH meeting on January 2, 2024 1:30-3:00 pm IN ADDITION […]

Health Department changing response to COVID-19 cases


The Montezuma County Public Health Department is moving into the next phase of COVID-19 response by transitioning away from contacting residents who have tested positive. Individual case interviews are no longer necessary to understand disease transmission or risk factors. As of July 1, the Health Department has begun focusing efforts on managing COVID-19 outbreaks in […]

YouTube: Montezuma County Board of Health Meeting July 11, 2023

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Board of Health Meeting Agenda July 11, 2023 1:30-3:00pm Montezuma County Commissioner Board Room ·       Welcome, introductions, approval of April minutes ·       Narcan/Fentanyl Test Strips harm reduction program update- Julie Jacobsen, Public Health Nurse ·       Plague update- Julie Jacobsen, Public Health Nurse ·       Overview of programs within Montezuma County Public Health and job postings update ·       Brief update on Southwest […]