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Memorial Day Proclamation

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By the Montezuma county Board of county commissioners A Proclamation MEMORIAL DAY WHEREAS, on Memorial Day, our nation pauses to remember the brave men and women in uniform and their sacrifice to protect the interests of our country and defend our freedoms; and WHEREAS, Montezuma County is blessed to be the home of more than […]

YouTube: Montezuma County BOCC Meeting May 24, 2022

Montezuma County Logo

AGENDA REGULAR MEETING 9:00 A.M. Minutes Planning 1. The Planning Department will present for signatures of an Amendment to Exemption#P-56-80 and Exemption #P-70-80, submitted by Charles Shumway & Sara Kimball, on property located at 12685 Road 41.9, Mancos, CO, consisting of29.47 acres, more or less, located north of Hwy 184, east of Road 41, situated […]

YouTube: Montezuma County BOCC Meeting May 17, 2022

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AGENDA DATE: May 17, 2022 REGULAR MEETING 9:00A.M. Minutes 9:00 A.M. Planning 9:00 A.M Notice is hereby given that the Montezuma County Board of CountyCommissioners will hold a Public Hearing for review and determination of a General Planned Unit Development and Rezoning Application submitted byPorch Swing Ventures, LLC, on property located at 32328 Road P […]

BOCC Minutes May 10, 2022

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONTEZUMA COUNTY, COLORADO May 10, 2022                                                                                                                                    STATE OF COLORADO           )                                                      ) ss. COUNTY OF MONTEZUMA   )       At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Montezuma County, Colorado, held on Tuesday May 10, 2022 at the Montezuma County Administration building in Cortez, […]

YouTube: Montezuma County BOCC Meeting May 10, 2022

Montezuma County Logo

AGENDA DATE:                    May 10, 2022 REGULAR MEETING 9:00A.M.            Minutes 9:00A.M.            Planning 9:00A.M. Notice is hereby given that the Montezuma County Board of CountyCommissioners will hold a Public Hearing for review and determination aproposed Single Lot Development and AR3-9 Rezoning Application, submitted byGary & Jaclyn Fisher, on property located at 24537 Road N, Cortez, CO,consisting […]

YouTube: Montezuma County BOCC Workshop May 9, 2022

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AGENDA DATE:                    May 9, 2022   WORKSHOP   1:30 P.M.            Spark the Change Colorado, Harvest Pack – Lynn Soukup                        USDA LFPP request for support – LaurieHall                            Fairgrounds Fee Schedule – Justin McGuire                               Farmer’s Telephone – Terry Hinds   ADDITION the Board of County Commissioners shall conduct such further business as […]

YouTube: Montezuma County BOCC Meeting May 3, 2022

Montezuma County Logo

AGENDA DATE:                    May3, 2022  REGULAR MEETING 9:00A.M.            Minutes 9:00 A.M. 1.      ThePlanning Department will present for signature of a Variance submitted by Ruben& Pauline Jasso, Lot #50 of the Summit Lake West Unit l Major Subdivision,at 14517 Road 35.9, Mancos, CO, consisting of 1.21 acres, more or less, locatedsouth of Hwy 184, west of Road […]

BOCC Minutes May 3, 2022

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONTEZUMA COUNTY, COLORADO May 3, 2022                                                                                                                                    STATE OF COLORADO           ) ) ss. COUNTY OF MONTEZUMA   )       At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Montezuma County, Colorado, held on Tuesday May 3, 2022 at the Montezuma County Administration building in Cortez, Colorado, […]

BOCC Minutes April 26, 2022

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONTEZUMA COUNTY, COLORADO April 26, 2022                                                                                                                                STATE OF COLORADO           )                                                      ) ss. COUNTY OF MONTEZUMA   ) At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Montezuma County, Colorado, held on Tuesday April 26, 2022 at the Montezuma County Administration building in Cortez, Colorado, there were present: Jim […]