Resolution No.13-2021: Opposing 30 X 30 Land Preservation

Resolution Resolution # 13-2021 Resolution OpposingThe Federal Government’s “30 x 30” Land Preservation Goal WHEREAS, Montezuma County is a legal and political subdivision of the State of Colorado for which the Board of County Commissioners (“Board”) is authorized to act; and WHEREAS, Montezuma County containing about [number] acres of land situated in the southwest corner […]

Resolution No.12-2021: Approving Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for Region 9

Resolution Resolution # 12-2021 Approving Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for Region 9 WHEREAS, in 1995, the Region 9 Economic Development District of Southwest Colorado launched Southwest Colorado’s initial Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (“CEDS”) process by offering county-level data, a strategic planning component with visions, goals, and specific strategies for reaching those goals, and identified community […]

Resolution No.11-2021: A Resolution Authorizing The Main Street Project in Montezuma County

Resolution Resolution # 11-2021 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THEMAIN STREET PROJECT IN MONTEZUMA COUNTY WHEREAS, the grant program through the Colorado Main Street program is the Main Street Open for Business (MSOB) Facade lmprovements and Energy Efficiency Program for non-chain commercial buildingowners in the Main Street District of the City of Cortez; and WHEREAS, the County […]

Resolution No.10-2021: Suspension of the ban on open fires and use of fireworks

Resolution Resolution # 10-2021 SUSPENSION OF THE BAN ON OPEN FIRES AND USE OF FIREWORKS WHEREAS, Montezuma county Ordinance No. 2-2015 prohibits open fires and the use of fireworks in the unincorporated areas of Montezuma County, except the Montezuma County board of Commissioners, based upon competent evidence may by resolution suspend said ban from time […]


Resolution Resolution # 7-2021 A RESOLUTION RE-IMPOSING A FIREBAN WHEREAS, the Montezuma County, Colorado, Board of County Commissioners, based upon competent evidence, finds that the danger of forest and grass fires is high throughout the unincorporated areas of Montezuma County and that to protect the public health, safety and welfare it is necessary to reduce […]

Resolution No. 6-2021: Resolution Opposing The Protect Animals from Unnecessary Suffering and Exploitation

Resolution Resolution # 6-2021 Resolution Opposing ‘The Protect Animals from Unnecessary Suffering and Exploitation (PAUSE)” Ballot lnitiative WHEREAS, on March 17, 2021, a citi2ens’ initiative entitled “Protect Animals from Unnecessary Suffering and Exploitation: (PAUSE) was approved by the Title Board of the Colorado Secretary of State for petition to the November 2022 General Election as […]


Resolution Resolution # 5-2021 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND WHEREAS, Montezuma County adopted budgets for the Road and Bridge Fund, including on December 29, 2020; and WHEREAS, one essential positions was not accounted for when the budget was presented and adopted, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board […]

Resolution No. 4-2021: Making Montezuma County A Sanctuary From Wolf Introduction

Resolution Resolution # 4-2021 Making Montezuma County A Sanctuary From Wolf Introduction WHEREAS, Proposition 114 narrowly passed in the state-wide November 2020 election; and WHEREAS, There were only five (5) counties on the western slope in which voters approved the proposition; and WHEREAS, Under Proposition 114, colorado parks and wildlife commission is tasked with getting […]