Public Health Department Minutes July 2, 2024

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Attendees: Director of Public Health- Bobbi Lock; Assistant Director-Laurel Schafer; Prevention Specialist – Brenda Knapp. County Administrator- Travis Anderson; County Attorney Ian MacLaren

Board of Health (BOH):  Jim Candelaria, Kent Lindsay and Gerald Koppenhafer.

I. Call to order and introductions: (1:30)

Bobbi Lock called to order the regular meeting of the Montezuma County Public Health Board of Health Meeting at 1:30 on 7/2/2024 at Montezuma County BOCC Room. 

II. Approval of minutes from last meeting and Introductions.

Minutes were approved and introductions were completed.

III. Communicable Disease Update:

Flu for the 2025 vaccine order has been placed. 133 Narcan kits have been given out this quarter. 90 Fentanyl test strips were given out this quarter. In the county we have seen 1 case of hantavirus, 42 COVID, and 15 animal bites. Syphilis is still an issue but numbers are declining. There is one confirmed case of West Nile virus in the state so far.  As of July 13, 2024, there are 151 cases of Measles in the country with cases in Arizona and New Mexico but not currently in Colorado.    

IV. Community Health Assessment:

Draft is currently being reviewed and tested.  MCPHD plans to launch the assessment on 8/1/2024. 


V. CTC Transition:

MCPHD is not renewing the contract with CTC and have left on great terms with the program. The reason being the limitation on the age groups that can be served. MCPHD and the coalition wanted to expand prevention, connection and healthy living with no age limitation. The coalition is changing the name of the group to Healthy Montezuma. More information to come!


VI. Suggestions for next BOH meeting:

Dr. Asha Atwell with Sih Hasin street medicine will join us in October.

Bobbi Lock adjourned the meeting at 2:07

Minutes submitted by:  Laurel Schafer      

Minutes approved by:  Bobbi Lock

Contact Public Health
Bobbi Lock, Director
Montezuma County Annex
106 West North
Cortez, CO 81321
Phone: (970) 565-3056
FAX: (970) 565-0647
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
Public Health Director
Bobbi Lock
Administrative Assistant
Heather Hamilton
Contact Montezuma County Public Health Director