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Public Health Department Minutes April 2, 2024


Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 2nd 2024 Attendees: Director of Public Health- Bobbi Lock; Assistant Director-Laurel Schafer; County Administrator- Travis Anderson; County Attorney Ian MacLaren, Dr. Amanda Mullen and Haley Leonard Saunders of Axis Health Systems. Board of Health (BOH):  Jim Candelaria, Kent Lindsay and Gerald Koppenhafer. Call to order and introductions: (1:30) Bobbi Lock called […]

YouTube: Montezuma County Board of Health Meeting April 2, 2024

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Board of Health Meeting Agenda April 2, 2024 1:30-3:00 pm Montezuma County Commissioner Board Room · Welcome, introductions, approval of January minutes · Communicable Disease update · MCPHD update · CIP · Suggestions for the next BOH meeting Thank you all for attending and we look forward to our next BOH meeting on July2, 2024 […]