Resolution No. 14-2022 ADOPTION OF 2022 COUNTY ROAD MAP
Resolution Resolution # 14-2022 ADOPTION OF 2022 COUNTY ROAD MAP WHEREAS, the Montezuma County, Colorado, Board of County Commissioners periodically updates and revises the official county road map pursuant to C.R.S. g 43-2-110; and WHEREAS, the last official county road map was adopted in 2020, and notice that the BOCC will adopt the updated official […]
Resolution No. 13-2022 Abandonment of a portion of Road Y.
Resolution Resolution # 13-2022 WHEREAS, A public hearing was conducted on November 15th,2022 on the proposed abandonment of a portion of Road Y crossing lands owned by Cortez, LLC within Sections 1,2,11 and 12 of Township 37 north, Range 19 west N.M.P.M. WHEREAS, the proof of publication was presented during that public hearing along with […]