Montezuma County Sheriff's Office

Public Notice – Ag Burning

Public Notice – Ag Burning

DFPC has seen an uptick in human-caused fire starts in Dolores, Montezuma, La Plata, and Archuleta counties over the past few weeks. Many of these are a result of escaped agricultural burns. While no Red Flag Warnings have been issued, fuels in the lower elevations of SW Colorado are abnormally dry and receptive to burning, especially in windy conditions. Please exercise caution when burning ditches or fields, and do your homework before you start.


  • Evaluate conditions first. Only burn on low-wind days and burn in the morning when humidity is higher. Winds typically pick up in the afternoon, so plan your day to have your burn done and out early.
  • Let your neighbors and your local 911 dispatch center know about your plans to burn.
  • Burn into the wind to slow the spread of the fire. Keep debris piles small.
  • Never leave a fire unattended and stay until all flames are completely out. Have helpers on hand.
  • Cover burn barrels with a weighted metal cover with holes no larger than 3/4 of an inch.
  • Keep a water source available and adequate tools or equipment nearby to extinguish unwanted fire spread or creep.
  • Call 911 immediately if your burn gets out of hand.



Safe Agriculture Burning

Montezuma County Sheriff

Sheriff Steve Nowlin
Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office
730 East Driscoll Street,
Cortez, CO 81321

Phone: (970) 564-4986
FAX: (970) 565-3731

Contact the Montezuma County Sheriff