Contact Public Health
Bobbi Lock, Director
Montezuma County Annex
106 West North
Cortez, CO 81321
Phone: (970) 565-3056
FAX: (970) 565-0647
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
Public Health Director
Bobbi Lock
Administrative Assistant
Heather Hamilton
MCPH Meeting Minutes:

The Montezuma County Board of Health meets quarterly on the first Tuesday of every month, with the exception of the January meeting, which is held on January 7th. The agenda can be viewed one week prior to every meeting on the Montezuma County website, Montezuma County Administration building, Montezuma County Clerk’s office, and the bulletin board at the Montezuma County Public Health Department. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Contact Montezuma County Public Health Director