BOCC Minutes April 4, 2023



April 4, 2023





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At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Montezuma County, Colorado, held on Tuesday April 4, 2023 at the Montezuma County Administration building in Cortez, Colorado, there were present:

Jim Candelaria, Chairman

Kent Lindsay, Vice Chairman

Gerald Koppenhafer, Commissioner of Deeds

Travis Anderson, County Administrator

Ian MacLaren, County Attorney

Kim Percell, County Clerk (Absent)

Malinda Fuller, Chief Deputy Clerk


CHAIRMAN CANDELARIA opened the meeting of April 4, 2023 with the Pledge of Allegiance.


MINUTES: Commissioner Koppenhafer moved to accept the Proceedings of the Montezuma County Board of Commissioners, Colorado for Tuesday, March 28, 2023 as presented.  Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lindsay and carried.


PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comment was heard.

ROAD & BRIDGE DEPARTMENT: Road Superintendent, Rob Englehart met with the Commissioners to give a monthly report.  Superintendent Englehart gave an overview of the type of work scheduled.  Other topics discussed included; Roads and Culverts, Bids for Pipe, Special Road Budget and Notice of Award for Alkali Bridge. (See attached)

NOXIOUS WEED DEPARTMENT: Weed Department Manager, Bonnie Loving met with the Commissioners to give a monthly report.  Topics discussed included Drafted State Legislative Bill, Phreatophyte Project, Community Project Funding, CDPHE, NFWF Five Star and America The Beautiful Grants, Contractors, Seminars and County Roadside Sprayer.  (See attached)

LANDFILL: Landfill Manager, Mel Jarmon gave his monthly report which included the 2023 Landfill budget spread sheet.  Topics discussed with the report included; Closing due to wind, Testing Bio Solids and the Carver Field.


FAIRGROUNDS: Fairgrounds Manager, Justin McGuire gave his monthly report which included the year to date numbers.  Year to date numbers included; 3,785 in attendance, Revenues at $36,913.00 and Expenditures at $55,131.94.  A discussion was held regarding past and future events scheduled at the Fairgrounds.   (See attached)




DISCUSSION: A discussion was held regarding the Alkali Creek Bridge Notice of Award.


DISCUSSION: A discussion was held regarding a Letter of Support for The Mancos Conservation District. Commissioner Koppenhafer moved to sign the Letter of Support for the Mancos Conservation District Application to the Action, Implementation and Mitigation Grant Program to hire additional capacity to oversee forestry projects on  private lands in Montezuma County it’s not just specific to Mancos Valley . Second by Commissioner Lindsey and carried.


DISCUSSION: Administrator Anderson presented for approval the Montezuma County Budget and Financial Policy. Commissioner Lindsay moved to adopt the Budget and Financial Management Policy for Montezuma County. Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.

DISCUSSION: Director for Region 9, Shak Powers met with the commissioners to request a Letter of Support. Commissioner Lindsay moved to sign letter to the Middle Mile-GRN-000881 waiver request for Region 9. Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.

DISCUSSION: A Discussion was held regarding the Zoning Board of Adjustment.  It was decided to table any action.


SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE: Deputy Clerk, Jerri Frizzell presented for approval a Special Event liquor license application for Ute Mountain Round Up Rodeo.  The event is scheduled to be held at the County Fairgrounds from June 8, 2023 – June 10, 2023.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to sign the application for a Special Events Permit by the Ute Mountain Round Up Rodeo to be located at 30100 Hwy 160 Cortez Co. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried. (See attached)

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to Attorney MacLaren’s suggestion, Commissioner Lindsay moved to go into Executive Session for a conference with the attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions under C.R.S Section 24-6-402(4)(b). Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer.  In attendance were Commissioner James Candelaria; Commissioner Kent Lindsay; Commissioner Gerald Koppenhafer; Attorney Ian Maclaren attorney, Administrator Travis Anderson; Mapping Director  Doug Roth and Chief Deputy Clerk Malinda Fuller. Commissioner Koppenhafer moved to come out of Executive Session back in to the Regular Session.  Second by Commissioner Lindsay and carried.


DISCUSSION: Jessica Thurman met with the Commissioners to give a report.  Topics discussed included; the Food Drive, Flea Market, Grants and the Montezuma Community Collective.


COUNTY ATTORNEY REPORT: County Attorney, Ian MacLaren reported a busy week. Topics included MOU’s, Zoning Board of Adjustment, Contract with Montezuma Water and ROW issue.

ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: County Administrator, Travis Anderson gave a weekly report.  Topics discussed included; meeting with Lauri Thompson and Sue with AAA, Senior Center, CDOT meeting, G Road, Home and Garden Show and the need for seamless gutters and the Payables for February 2023.  Commissioner Koppenhafer moved to accept the payables for February 2023 for Montezuma County in the total of $4,064,749.48. Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried. 

COUNTY COMMISSIONER REPORT: Topics discussed within the Commissioners reports included: Commissioner Lindsay discussed the regular meeting of the City Council. Commissioner Koppenhafer reported Southwest Conservation meeting in Ignacio. Commissioner Candelaria discussed CDOT Planning Team Meeting, Property Tax Revenue Discussion, County Housing Authority Meeting, workshop, CTSI 5 year loss analysis.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: Commissioner Lindsey moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.


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Jim Candelaria (District 1)
Phone: (970) 914-2563
Vice Chairman
Kent Lindsay (District 2)
Phone: (970) 560-1471
Commissioner of Deeds
Gerald Koppenhafer (District 3)
Phone: 970-749-0262
Contact Montezuma County Vice-Chairman, Jim Candelaria  (District 1)
Contact Montezuma County Commissioner Kent Lindsay (District 2)
Contact Montezuma County Commissioner Gerald Koppenhafer (District 3)