BOCC Minutes August 24, 2021



August 24, 2021





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At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Montezuma County, Colorado, held on Tuesday August 24, 2021 at the Montezuma County Administration building in Cortez, Colorado, there were present:




Jim Candelaria, Chairman

Kent Lindsay, Vice Chairman

Joel Stevenson, Commissioner of Deeds

Shalako Powers, County Administrator

Ian MacLaren, County Attorney

Kim Percell, County Clerk




CHAIRMAN, CANDELARIA opened the meeting of August 24, 2021 with the Pledge of Allegiance.


MINUTES: Commissioner Lindsay moved to approve the minutes of the Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners Montezuma County, Colorado dated August 17, 2021 as presented.  Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stevenson and carried.


PLANNING: Planning Director, Don Haley with Assistant, S. Jane Duncan presented for discussion of a proposed Variance application submitted by Carl Chiodo & Lynn Hill, on Lot # 9 of the Four Corners Encampment Subdivision, located at 24850 Road 37, Dolores, CO, consisting of 3.77 acres, more or less, located east of Hwy 145, situated in Section 11, T. 38N, R. 14W, N.M.P.M.  Mr. Chiodo appeared by Zoom.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to approve the variance application submitted by Carl Chiodo & Lynn Hill, on lot # 9 of the Four Corners Encampment Subdivision, located at 24850 Road 37, Dolores.  Second by Commissioner Stevenson and carried. (See attached)  


Director, Haley with Assistant, Duncan presented for signatures of a 2 Lot Moderate Subdivision, submitted by Terry and Larry Pickens, on property located at 13848 Road 23, Cortez, CO, consisting of 38 acres, more or less, located south of Road P, east of Road 23, situated in Section 4, T.36N., R.16W., N.M.P.M


Director, Haley with Assistant, Duncan reported that the application of a Subdivision Amendment & Rezoning to the Lichliter 2 Lot Moderate Subdivision, submitted by Julian Martinez, on property located at 25695 Road M, Cortez, CO, consisting of 11.35 acres, more or less, located north of Road M, west of Road 26, situated in Sections 11, T.36N., R.16W., N.M.P.M., the plat was not available at this time. 


PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment was made.


EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to Attorney MacLaren’s suggestion, Commissioner Lindsay moved for the Board of County Commissioners to go into executive session for discussion of specialized details of security arrangements or investigations under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402 (4) (d), and to include Commissioners Candelaria, Lindsay and Stevenson, Administrator Powers, Attorney MacLaren, Clerk Percell, Fairgrounds Manager McGuire, Sheriff Nowlin and from The RE-1 School District, Lis Richards and Cynthia Eldredge, seconded by Commissioner Stevenson and carried.  Topics for the executive session included a proposed Memo of Understanding. Commissioner Stevenson moved to go out of executive session, seconded by Commissioner Lindsay and carried.  (See attached)


ASSESSOR: County Assessor, Leslie Bugg, was unable to meet with the Commissioners at this time.


DISCUSSION: General Manager, Terry Hinds from Farmers Telephone, met with the Commissioners to discuss the opportunity and process to partnership with the County on the Fiber project.  Mr. Hinds will develop a proposal for the Commissioners review and present it at a later date. 


VETERANS SERVICE: Retiring, Veteran Service Officer, Rick Torres along with Officer, Sara Kuhn met with the Commissioners to give a monthly report.  A copy of the Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, County Veterans Service Officers Monthly Report and Certification of Pay, July 2021 was presented for the record.  Other topics discussed included; the July 2021 financial report, a review of office activities, statistical data and the indirect income to Montezuma County.  Officer Torres reported there could be a possible delay in future reports due to the change over from Officer Torres to Officer Kuhn and gave an overview of his time with the County.  Other topics discussed included the 3rd Annual Montezuma Stand Down for Veterans Event, scheduled for September 18th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at 107 N. Chestnut in Cortez, CO.  (See attached)


BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT: It being the time set aside, the Board of Social Services was conducted.  Director, Gina Montoya and Finance Officer, Lori Higgins were present.  (See attached)


SENIOR SERVICES: Director, Jonathon G. Parker was unable to meet with the Commissioners at this time.

CSU EXTENSION OFFICE: Extension Director, Gregory Felsen met with the Commissioners for a monthly report.  Topics of the discussion included; a review of the recently held County Fair, new 4-H enrollment scheduled for the middle of October, the 4-H Youth Development Program, a Pinion Project partnership, Leadership and Life Skill Development, project based learning, scheduled food skills classes, the annual U-Pick Day community event, Stockmanship and Stewardship Clinic, the Senior Aging Mastery Program, applications for the new CSU Extension Agent and the 2022 CSU budget.     


UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Topics discussed included; the Monday tour of the County Jail, the workshop discussion regarding proposed changes to the County Employee Handbook and an update on the Fairground’s water line and lift projects. 


COUNTY ATTORNEY REPORT: County Attorney, Ian MacLaren no report given.


NATURAL RESOURCES, PLANNING & PUBLIC LANDS: Resource Director, James Dietrich no report given


COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: Administrator, Shak Powers presented for approval, Resolution #12-2021, a resolution approving the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for Region 9.  Commissioner Stevenson moved to sign Resolution #12-2021, approving the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies for Region 9.  Second by Commissioner Lindsay and carried.  Administrator, Powers discussed the attended Economic Development Team meeting and the Recovery and Resiliency Grant presentation and discussion with the Dolores Town Board.  (See attached)  


COUNTY COMMISSIONER REPORT: Topics discussed within the Commissioners reports included: Commissioner Stevenson discussed the Monday workshop, constituent phone calls and reading.  Commissioner Lindsay discussed constituent phone calls, in person visits, the attended Cattleman’s Association picnic and Forrest Service fence lines.  Commissioner Candelaria discussed the attended BLM meeting, the 4-H Extension video, the 3rd Thursday Party in the Park event, the attended Western Region District meeting Montrose, a 2022 legislative overview, a Division of Fire Prevention and Control  presentation, the Cattleman’s Association picnic and the attended Dolores Town Board meeting. 


CORRESPONDENCE: The following correspondence was read and noted:


MOTION TO ADJOURN: was made by Commissioner Lindsay seconded by Commissioner Stevenson and carried.



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Jim Candelaria (District 1)
Phone: (970) 914-2563
Vice Chairman
Kent Lindsay (District 2)
Phone: (970) 560-1471
Commissioner of Deeds
Gerald Koppenhafer (District 3)
Phone: 970-749-0262
Contact Montezuma County Vice-Chairman, Jim Candelaria  (District 1)
Contact Montezuma County Commissioner Kent Lindsay (District 2)
Contact Montezuma County Commissioner Gerald Koppenhafer (District 3)