WHEREAS, several cities in the United States of American, including the City of Denver, which has a population of 713,000 people, have declared themselves sanctuary cities; and
WHEREAS, in the past two months, Denver has seen an uptick in the arrival of undocumented migrant and illegal immigrants and is currently sheltering 4,500 people. This influx – the fourth significant surge in arrivals since late 2022 – is straining capacity and. based on current projections, could force the city to cut as much as $180 million from its annual budget; and
WHEREAS, the City of Denver faces an accelerated budget shortfall and agency budget cut to fund migrant services; and
WHEREAS, Denver schools face a shortfall of $17.5 million in funding due to the continuous influx of migrants in the Denver area; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Denver has established policies constraining individual migrants to 14 days of shelter and families to 42 days of shelter: and
WHEREAS, both Denver and Carbondale plan to close their shelters in March and April of 2024; and
WHEREAS, Montezuma County supports legal immigration into the United States; and
WHEREAS, Montezuma County recognizes the plight of those seeking refuge and asylum from governments in other parts of the world; and
WHEREAS, Montezuma County respects the history of the United States as a beacon of freedom and opportunity in the world; and
WHEREAS, those who enter the country illegally can pose a significant public health and safety risk to a community when there is an increase in crime, communicable disease, and accelerating demand and unsustainability on public infrastructure such as services, public safety, schools, and the justice system; and
WHEREAS, the impacts of migrant relocations from Denver and other sanctuary cities located in the United States pose a risk to Montezuma County, its citizens, and service providers; and
WHEREAS, Montezuma County does not have the resources or infrastructure to fund the human needs it is currently facing; and
WHEREAS, community resources within Montezuma County are strained by a sizable population of homeless individuals and/or individuals who leave their homes to spend the summer months on the streets of Montezuma County; and
WHEREAS, Montezuma County has already been forced to dip into its budgetary reserves to fund social services, law enforcement services, senior services, and maintain its already fragile and always deteriorating infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, affordable housing in Montezuma County is already in short supply to the point that teachers. healthcare workers, and numerous other professionals are unable to secure and/or afford housing that meets their basic needs; and
WHEREAS, funding services and shelters for those who enter the country illegally would be completely infeasible from a financial perspective for Montezuma County;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Montezuma County Board of County Commissioners that:
The Montezuma County Board of County Commissioners, declares that Montezuma County is NOT a sanctuary county and will not open shelters or provide county-based services, other than emergency services, to uninvited migrants and/or illegal immigrants that may arrive in unincorporated Montezuma County. Montezuma County will continue to prioritize the needs of our local citizens.
Approved and adopted this 5th day of March, 2024
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