DATE: November 2, 2021
9:00A.M. Minutes
9:00 A.M.
Notice is hereby given that the Montezuma County Board of CountyCommissioners will hold a Public Hearing for review and determination aproposed Subdivision Amendment Application to the Elder Single Lot Development,submitted by Roy Elder, on property located at 10720 Road 43, Mancos, CO,consisting of 10.10 acres, more or less, located north of Hwy 160 and west ofRoad 44 situated in Section 23, T.36N., R.13W., N.M.P.M.
9:10 A.M.
Notice is hereby given that the Montezuma County Board of CountyCommissioners will hold a Public Hearing for review and determination aproposed Single Lot Development and AR 10-34 Rezoning Application, submitted byKarla Fassett Revocable Living Trust; agent: James Lindahl, on property locatedat 43996 Road M, Mancos, CO, consisting of 60.91 acres, more or less, locatednorth of Hwy 160 and west of Road 44, situated in Section 11, T.36N., R.13W.,N.M.P.M.
9:20 A.M.
Notice is hereby given that the Montezuma County Board of CountyCommissioners will hold a Public Hearing for review and determination aproposed High Impact/Special Use Permit with Commercial Rezoning Application,submitted by Zane Odell, on property located at TBD Road X, Lewis, CO,consisting of 10 acres, more or less, located north of Road X, west of Hwy 491,situated in Section 26, T.38N,R.17W, N.M.P.M.
9:30 A.M.
1. ThePlanning Department will present for signatures of a Mylar for a Single LotDevelopment, submitted by Jimmy G. Suckla, on property located at 12588 Road23, Cortez, CO, consisting of 49.37 acres, more or less, located east of Road23, west of Hwy 491, situated in Section 9, T.36N., R.16W., N.M.P.M.
Other item(s) may be discussed.
Public CommentSession
The Board ofMontezuma County Commissioners welcomes you to this meeting. Person speaking during Public Comment will belimited to three minutes, or depending on the number of people wishing tospeak, it may be reduced to allow all members of the public the opportunity toaddress the board. When addressing theBoard, please state your name and address for the record prior to providing yourcomments. Comments to individual Supervisorsor staff are not permitted. Participantsmay not yield their time to others.
Benefits Health Advisor re: InsuranceRenewals – Jake Zehnder
Public Works Departments
Road and Bridge – Rob Englehart
Noxious Weeds – Bonnie Loving
Landfill – Mel Jarmon
Fairgrounds – Justin McGuire
Unfinished Business
ExecutiveSession for receiving legal advice
*County AttorneyReport – Ian MacLaren
*NaturalResources, Planning and Public Lands Report – James Dietrich
*CountyAdministrator Report – Shak Powers
*CountyCommissioners Report
ADDITION the Board of County Commissioners shall conduct suchfurther business as may come before said meeting.
Please Note: Except for the start time and publichearings, all other times are approximate only.
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