BOCC Minutes December 27, 2022



December 27, 2022






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At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Montezuma County, Colorado, held on Tuesday December 27, 2022 at the Montezuma County Administration building in Cortez, Colorado, there were present:




Jim Candelaria, Chairman

Kent Lindsay, Vice Chairman

Gerald Koppenhafer, Commissioner of Deeds (By Zoom)

Travis Anderson, County Administrator

Ian MacLaren, County Attorney

Kim Percell, County Clerk




CHAIRMAN, CANDELARIA opened the meeting of December 27, 2022 with the Pledge of Allegiance


MINUTES: Commissioner Lindsay moved to approve the minutes of the Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners Montezuma County, Colorado dated Tuesday, December 20, 2022, as presented.   Motion was seconded by Commissioner Candelaria and carried.


PUBLIC HEARING: It being the time set aside a public hearing is held.  The purpose of the hearing is to allow citizens to review and comment on the performance of the County of Montezuma in carrying out their Calkins Commons, which was financed with federal Community Development Block Grant funds provided by the State of Colorado.  The roll was called, the public notice read, and the proceedings were recorded for the record.  Commissioner Koppenhafer joined the hearing by Zoom.  Executive Director, Terri Wheeler from the Housing Authority of Montezuma County, gave an overview of the project.  Commissioner Candelaria opened the hearing to public comment.  Hearing no public comment that portion of the hearing was closed.  There was no action required.  Commissioner Candelaria closed the hearing at this time.  (See attached)


PLANNING: Director, Don Haley along with Assistant, S. Jane .Duncan presented for signatures, a Mylar for a Common Lot Line Change to Lot #s 13 & 15, of the Rustic Ridge Phase II subdivision, submitted by Troy & Lori Mott, on properties located at 26972 Road T.8 & TBD Road T.8, Dolores, CO, both consisting of 3.50 acres, more or less, both located east of Road 27, south of Road T.8, situated in Section 13, T.37N, R.16W, N.M.P.M.


Planning & Zoning Commission Appointments: A letter of intent, to change from the alternate position to a regular Planning and Zoning Commission member was received by Eddie Mac Taylor.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to appoint Eddie Mac Taylor to a regular position on the Planning and Zoning Commission, to expire 12-2024.  Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.  (See attached)

Planning & Zoning Commission Appointments: Director Haley’s recommendations for one new regular Commissioner and one new alternate included; Mike Lynch for the regular member position, at a 3 year term,  alternate is Ted Neergaard for a 3 year term and to be included on a 3 year waiting alternate list. Mike Doyle, Trent Bishop and Rhonda Tracy.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to appoint, Mike Lynch as a regular member of the Planning & Zoning Commission, Ted Neergaard as the alternate and the list is with Planning on the 3 to be moved up in case of a vacancy.  Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.

Planning & Zoning Commission: Director Haley made a request to increase the pay for each Planning & Zoning Commissioner, per attended meeting to $100.00.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to appropriate the funds to pay the Planning & Zoning Commissioners $100.00 per meeting.  Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.


PUBLIC COMMENT:  Public Comment was made by Allen Maez.


BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT: It being the time set aside, the Board of Social Services was conducted.  Finance Officer, Lori Higgins and LueAnn Everett were present.  (See attached)


VETERANS SERVICE: Veteran Service Officer, Sara Kuhn and Frank LoBue met with the Commissioners to give a monthly report.  A copy of the Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, County Veterans Service Officers Monthly Report and Certification of Pay, November 2022 was presented for the record.  Other topics discussed included; the November 2022 financial report, a review of office activities, statistical data and the indirect income to Montezuma County.  (See attached).


MONTEZUMA COUNTY PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION (MCCO): MCCO Manager, Jennifer Morris met with the Commissioners to give a monthly report. Topics discussed included; the number of year to date rides, the total 2021 ride numbers and staffing.


SENIOR SERVICES: Director Jonathon G. Parker met with the Commissioners to give a monthly report on the Senior Services programs.  A discussion was held, regarding funding sources.  Topics discussed included; a four year strategic plan from (Triple A) Area on Aging Agency funding and a discussion on funding with the Colorado Health Foundation. 




DISCUSSION: Paul Roithmayr from SamePage Solutions met with the Commissioners to give an overview of the Strategic Planning Program.  (See attached)


DISCUSSION:  Landfill Manager, Mel Jarmon presented for approval, a letter of support addressed to RREO Grant Selection Committee regarding the RFA#41056 Application for the Montezuma County Landfill to purchase an excavator.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to sign the letter of support for the RFA#41056 Application for the Montezuma County Landfill.  Second by Commissioner Candelaria and carried.  (See attached)


COUTNY CLERK & RECORDER: Chief Deputy Clerk / Motor Vehicle Supervisor, Malinda Fuller met with the Commissioners to discuss the Colorado Parks & Wildlife Keep Colorado Wild Pass.  (See attached)


DISCUSSION: Attorney MacLaren gave an overview of the Montezuma County Sleeping Ute Apartments, Agreement for Section 42(m)(2)(D) Determination.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to sign the Agreement for Section 42(m)(2)(D) Determination for the CHFA, Housing Finance Authority.  Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried(See attached)



RESOLUTION #20-2022: Administrator, Travis Anderson presented Resolution #20-2022.  A resolution to appropriate sums of money for 2023.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to approve Resolution #20-2022, appropriating sums of money for 2023, for Montezuma County in the amount of $58,677,923.00.  Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.  (See attached)


RESOLUTION #19-2022: Administrator, Anderson presented Resolution #19-2022.  A resolution adopting a budget for Montezuma County, Colorado for the calendar year beginning on the first day of January 2023 and ending on the last day of December 2023.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to adopt Resolution #19-2022, adopting the budget of Montezuma County.  Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.  (See attached)


DISCUSSION: The discussion regarding the retention of the CDPHE – Montezuma County Landfill Contract Agreement was postponed to a future meeting.


DISCUSSION: Maintenance Supervisor, Dustin Sattler met with the Commissioner to discuss the Janitorial Service contracts for the Administration Building.  The lowest bidder Superior Services LLC had declined the 2023 Janitorial Services for the County Administration building.  Supervisor Sattler had contacted the next lowest bidders, Ron and Ruth Stockwell to accept the contract.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to approve Stockwell’s bid in the amount of $57,600.00 for the cleaning services.  Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.  (See attached)


COUNTY ATTORNEY REPORT: County Attorney, Ian MacLaren reported that he had been in court last week for a Child Protection case.  


NATURAL RESOURCES, PLANNING & PUBLIC LANDS: Resource Director, James Dietrich, no report given.


COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: County Administrator, Travis Anderson presented for approval the following TRANSFER ORDERS:  

Transfer Order #7-2022, a transfer of $602,464.00 from General Fund (001) to Capital Fund (004) for 2022 Capital expenditures.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to approve Order #7-2022, transferring $602,464.00, from the General Fund to the Capital Fund.  Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.  (See attached)


Transfer Order #8-2022, a transfer of $29,527.15 from General Fund (001) to the Bus Replacement Fund (089), carry over from 2021 MOCO grants.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to approve Order #8-2022, transferring $29,527.15, from the General Fund to the Bus Replacement Fund.  Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.  (See attached)


Transfer Order #9-2022, a transfer $772,031.92 from LEA Fund (077) to General Fund (001) for LEA expenses from December 19, 2021 through December 17, 2022.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to approve Order #9-2022, to transfer $772,031.92, from the LEA Fund to the General Fund.  Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.  (See attached)


Transfer Order #10-2022, a transfer $143,832.20 from Conservation Trust Fund (052) to General Fund (001) for the operation of the County Fairgrounds from December 19, 2021 through December 18, 2022.  Commissioner Lindsay moved to approve Order #10-2022, to transfer $143,832.20, from the Conservation Trust Fund to the General Fund. Second by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.  (See attached)


COUNTY COMMISSIONER REPORT: Topics discussed within the Commissioners reports included: Commissioner Lindsay, no report given.  Commissioner Koppenhafer discussed upcoming water issues.  Commissioner Candelaria, no report given


MOTION TO ADJOURN: was made by Commissioner Lindsey, seconded by Commissioner Koppenhafer and carried.


CORRESPONDENCE: The following correspondence was read and noted:






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Clerk                     December 27, 2022                        Chairman


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Jim Candelaria (District 1)
Phone: (970) 914-2563
Vice Chairman
Kent Lindsay (District 2)
Phone: (970) 560-1471
Commissioner of Deeds
Gerald Koppenhafer (District 3)
Phone: 970-749-0262
Contact Montezuma County Vice-Chairman, Jim Candelaria  (District 1)
Contact Montezuma County Commissioner Kent Lindsay (District 2)
Contact Montezuma County Commissioner Gerald Koppenhafer (District 3)