Resolution # 4-2021
Making Montezuma County A Sanctuary From Wolf Introduction
WHEREAS, Proposition 114 narrowly passed in the state-wide November 2020 election; and
WHEREAS, There were only five (5) counties on the western slope in which voters approved the proposition; and
WHEREAS, Under Proposition 114, colorado parks and wildlife commission is tasked with getting wolves on the ground by December 2023 on lands west of the Continental Divide; and
WHEREAS, Montezuma County opposed by resolution the reintroduction of wolves on November 26, 2019; and
WHEREAS, the livestock industry is a primary component of the economy of Montezuma County; and
WHEREAS, predation by wolves of wildlife and domestic livestock is an issue that the voters of Montezuma County did not approve; and
WHEREAS, in addition to the negative economic and social impacts of wolf introduction, wolves can pose a danger to the physical health of household pets and people due to predation and the transmission of disease; and
WHEREAS, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission passed Resolution 16-01 opposing the intentional release of any wolves in Colorado; and
WHEREAS, efforts to introduce the gray wolf to the northern Rocky Mountains have exceeded recovery goals; and
WHEREAS, Colorado is not part of the historic range of the Mexican wolf; and
WHEREAS, Montezuma County Ordinance 1-2014 prohibits introducing non-native animal species into Montezuma County, carrying with the Class 2 misdemeanor a fine of up to 51,000.00 and a jail sentence of up to 12 months.
Approved and adopted the 23rd day of March, 2021
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