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YouTube: Montezuma County BOCC Meeting December 27, 2022


DATE:    December 27, 2022        


9:00AM                Minutes               

Public Hearing

The County of Montezuma will conduct a public hearing at 109 W Main Street, Room 250, Cortez, CO on December 27, 2022,at the County Commissioners board meeting. The purpose of the hearing is to allow citizens to review and comment on the performance of the County of Montezuma in carrying out their Calkins Commons, which was financed with federal Community Development Block Grant funds provided by the State of Colorado.


1.  The Planning Department will present for signatures a Mylar for a Common Lot Line Change to Lot #s 13 & 15, of the Rustic Ridge Phase II subdivision, submitted by Troy & Lori Mott, on properties located at 26972 Road T.8 & TBD Road T.8, Dolores, CO, both consisting of 3.50 acres, more or less, both located east of Road 27, south of Road T.8, situated in Section 13, T.37N, R.16W, N.M.P.M.

2.   The Planning Department will present for an appointment a Letter of Intent for Eddie Mac Taylor to change from an Alternate member to a permanent Planning and Zoning Commission member.

 3.  The Planning Department will present the applicants for appointment and year terms to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Public Comment Session

 The Board of Montezuma County Commissioners welcomes you to this meeting.  Persons speaking during Public Comment will be limited to three minutes, or depending on the number of people wishing to speak, it may be reduced to allow all members of the public the opportunity to address the board.  When addressing the Board, please state your name and address for the record prior to providing your comments.  Comments to individual Supervisors or staff are not permitted.  Participants may not yield their time to others.

 Public Service Reports

                                             Social Services – Gina Montoya

                                             Veterans Services – Sarah Kuhn

                                             MOCO Transportation – Jennifer Morris

                                             Senior Services – Jonathan Parker

New Business

                                             Strategic Planning Presentation –SamePage Solutions, Paul Roithmayr

                                             Letter of Support for Landfill Excavator

                                             2023 Vehicle registrations Keep Colorado Wild Pass – Malinda Fuller              

                                             Discussion and possible signing of Montezuma County Sleeping Ute Apartments 42m Letter

 Unfinished Business

                                             Approval of 2023 budget

                                                            RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE SUMS OF MONEY FOR 2023

                                                            RESOLUTION ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR MONTEZUMA COUNTY,

                                             CDPHE Contract 2023*2140- Montezuma County Landfill-08.12.22

                                             Janitorial Services Contract – Dustin Sattler



County Attorney Report – Ian MacLaren

Natural Resources, Planning and Public Lands Report – James Dietrich

County Administrator Report – Travis Anderson 

                                                            Transfer Orders

County Commissioners Report



IN ADDITION, the Board of County Commissioners shall conduct such further business as may come before said meeting.

Please Note:  Except for the start time and public hearings, all other times are approximate only.

E-911 Board Meeting (Immediately following adjournment of BOCC meeting)


Discussion and decision related to APCOguide card system

Discussionand decision related to payment for extra dispatcher from ETA funds





Related Information
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Jim Candelaria (District 1)
Phone: (970) 749-3841
Vice Chairman
Kent Lindsay (District 2)
Phone: (970) 560-1471
Commissioner of Deeds
Gerald Koppenhafer (District 3)
Phone: 970-749-0262
Contact Montezuma County Vice-Chairman, Jim Candelaria  (District 1)
Contact Montezuma County Commissioner Kent Lindsay (District 2)
Contact Montezuma County Commissioner Gerald Koppenhafer (District 3)