RFP Notice – Results for Contract Engineering Services Hwy 184 and Road 25 Description

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1. What is the questions deadline for this RFP?

October 15, 2024.

2. Is there a page limit or font requirement for the response?


3. Will Environmental Surveys and Clearances be required for this project?

If so, please provide a list of the required surveys and submittals.

These will be likely due to the CDOT ROW and influence with the project.

CDOT will determine any required surveys and submittals.

4. Will the new intersection require signalization?

To be determined by CDOT Traffic Study Requirements.

5. What scope of work will the County Staff and equipment be willing to perform?

Realignment of Road 25 and 27.9, outside of the CDOT ROW.

6. Is Geotechnical information available, or will acquisition of this be part of the Engineer’s scope?

This will be part of the Engineer’s scope.

7. What is the funding source for this project?

Montezuma County Road & Bridge.

8. Will a survey control diagram be required?


9. Will Autodesk design software be acceptable for development of the construction plans?

It should be. Completed plans will be printed or converted to PDF for Road & Bridge use.

10. How many physical copies of the proposal would you like to have submitted?
Would you like a digital copy included as well?

One physical copy of the proposal, to us by the deadline, is sufficient.
We do not need a digital copy.

11. Does the County have any traffic count data available for the current CR 25/US 184 intersection that can be shared for review?

No.  CDOT will order this with the onset of this Project.

12.Does the County have archive traffic studies prepared for this intersection that can be shared for review?

No.  No past need for traffic studies at this location.

13.Will the County consider a fee proposal for only the initial Traffic Impact Study scope of work which will inform the future design effort required?


14.Will there be multiple alternatives required for the FIR?

Not necessarily required, but other options will be welcomed.

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